Heard That Before

“As a result of recent events, we have decided to end our arrangements with data aggregators,” a Sprint spokesperson told Motherboard in an email.


I feel like there was a story recently, oh yeah here we go, that exposed much the same practices from cellular providers. There was outrage then, and promises of swift action and change.

Highlighting Code


const InLineCode = ({ className, children, ...props }) => {
  const language = className?.replace(/language-/, "");
  return (
      {() => <Inline>{children}</Inline>}

Hits Close to Home

I came across this article How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation today, and while I have never considered myself a “millennial”, I am on the oldest end of that time line. Based on this feelings and perspective of Anne, and others she interviewed, I would say I’m closer to ever than being a millennial.

What has been dubbed adulting, or what Anne has nicknamed “errand paralysis”, the mundane day to day tasks of dry cleaning, post office, or other repetitive analog tasks.

But the more I tried to figure out my errand paralysis, the more the actual parameters of burnout began to reveal themselves. Burnout and the behaviors and weight that accompany it

Anne makes some effective correlation to the burnout many of us feel in having been through school to come out to poor job prospects, or assuming massive debt to acquire more education, only to find the outcome suboptimal.

It you are a millennial, or a millennial in denial, or you know one. You need to take 10 minutes to sit down and read through Anne’s article at least once or twice.

Jesse (Millennial in denial)

How Many Times

I asked on twitter the other day, ‘What is the equivalent of shooting 100 free throws for communication?” Several people mentioned it was to write 750 words or so a day. Now this is of particular interest to myself, bc I have started-stopped this exact task, or what feels more like a chore, multiple times in the past. None of those efforts lasted more than 14-15 days. I have even gone so far as to build an app that will count, track, and publish those posts to a blog. And while I managed to spend almost a year working on that side project. Not once did I ever get past 10 days in a row. Now the interesting thing about streaks is that once you miss one, all the motivation is immediately sucked out of your body and into the void. The effort to start again after skipping a day, I would say, is exponentially more than starting in the first place. So? How do you avoid the disappointment black hole when you miss a day or break a streak? How do you get back to it with the same vigor and dedication?

Infrastructural Sadness in America

the fact that the state of much of America’s infrastructure is appalling on its face, and even moreso when compared to nations which are on paper nowhere near as rich.


I lived in London for a bit coming and going from college, and one of the things I truly miss was the public transportation. It was so quick and easy to hop a bus or train and get all over a giant city like London or Paris. That is in stark contrast to living out west in Arizona. Where the closest place to get a sandwich or a cup of coffee from where you live is often 2-3 miles away. Bus’s run every 30-40 minutes during peak times, so without a car to get around it will easily take you several hours of your day to get to and from work. Sadness is a good word for it. 😭

Intel Hits 5GHz

Ars is reporting to have a new 5GHz chip, that will not exactly be available for retail sale this year.

the chip company is asking system builders to bid for the chips in an online auction. The auctions will be held quarterly, with apparently only three system integrators bidding in the first.


With some relatively positive news coming out of CES that Intel will actual ship a 10nm chip later this year, this seems like another flailing swing from a falling giant.

Intel puts 8 cores, 16 threads, and a 5GHz turbo option in a laptop processor

Ars Technica

This is a 45W processor with eight cores, 16 threads, and 16MB of cache, with a base clock speed of 2.4GHz and a turbo speed of 5GHz. The “K” on the name also indicates that the chip is overclockable: for those truly monstrous gaming laptops with high-powered cooling systems, you’ll be able to go beyond the default speeds.

Yeah, I read these specs and all I can think is, “oh boy those MacBook Pro’s just keep getting hotter and hotter.

At the top end is the i9-9900: eight cores, 16 threads, a base of 3.1GHz, and a peak of 5.0GHz. The big difference between this and the already-shipping 9900K and 9900KF is the power use: it’s a 65W chip, whereas the other two are 95W, and it’s not overclockable

Power, speed, heat. I feel like at this point Intel’s chips have passed the point of diminishing returns. I’m all for more cores and power. But that isn’t really what I need on a day to day basis. I am sure there are those that do, and for them the more cores the better, the tradeoff in heat and mobility is a welcomed compromise. For me, I don’t hit bottlenecks in my workflow with the CPU, haven’t in a very, very long time. Network, memory, possibly, and even then the times I’m waiting on my machine to preform a task is not even relative on the overall time spend in front of these things.

I’d rather have smaller chips, with longer battery lives, consuming less energy, for roughly the same amount of processing power. The idea of ARM based laptops is very exciting in this regard.

Its A Real High

I gave a talk at my local meetup for React, the part I left out of my previous post was the meetup was hosted at my work. This had the added benefit of home court advantage (sports ball) I knew more people in the audience that usual, and was very comfortable. The side effect that I didn’t anticipate was the following day. I had a couple people, people not on my team, I might recognize them in the halls, maybe even say hi to them from time to time. These people stopped me and complimented me on my talk last night! ♥ This absolutely made my day. It really extended the excitement, the buzz, the high I get when I present something I like in front of a group that I really look up to.

This has an adverse effect that I’m never ready for, the crash. Coming down emotionally from a talk is, for me is physically painful. I am not sure you would categorize it as a chemical withdraw of good feelings, but that is the best way I can describe it. While I recover, my show is running late, I need to get it out the door, but I feel like nothing more than crawling into bed for the weekend.

To all those who attended and took the time to provide feedback, I sincerely thank you.

It’s A Utility, Like Water or Gas

The cable lobby working towards their investor bottom line, not in consumers best interest.

Powell said there is “common ground around the basic tenets of net neutrality rules: There should be no blocking or throttling of lawful content. There should be no paid prioritization that creates fast lanes and slow lanes, absent public benefit. And, there should be transparency to consumers over network practices.”

Cable lobby asks for net neutrality law allowing paid prioritization

Its sounds like Powell is advocating for Net neutrality, but is a cable lobbyist at this time. In his next breath he uses words like, no need for regulation and “light touch”. I simply can’t trust any angle from cable companies that have time and time again abused their position and monopoly over a must have utility service. In a space with absolutely no competition or incentive to actually serve consumers these companies will continue to take advantage until they are forced to by government. Don’t tell me the market will regulate itself. There is no competitive market in the ISP space. It’s a joke.

It’s fine

I’ve had a growing number of articles in my feed that illustrate the constant behavior of telecommunication companies. As you can imagine it’s not the good kind.

AT&T promised 7,000 new jobs to get tax break—it cut 23,000 jobs instead

Charter squeezes more money out of Internet users with new cancellation policy

Ajit Pai-proposed upgrade to 25Mbps starts paying off for rural ISPs – but it’ll take a decade. 😂

Best of all, the FCC’s chairman doesn’t seem interested in keeping them honest.

Ajit Pai refuses to investigate Frontier’s horrible telecom service

Jack Dorsey says it’s time to rethink the fundamental dynamics of Twitter


He also argued that while Twitter could “do a bunch of superficial things to address the things you’re talking about,” that isn’t the real solution.

“We want the changes to last, and that means going really, really deep,” Dorsey said.

Maybe they could throw in a few of those “superficial” systems just for kicks. A real solution would be face the problem head on, and stop fairly loose terms like “changes to last” and “go really, really deep”

More specifically, Rodgers asked about the frequent criticism that Twitter hasn’t found a way to consistently ban Nazis from the service.

“We have a situation right now where that term is used fairly loosely,” Dorsey said. “We just cannot take any one mention of that word accusing someone else as a factual indication of whether someone can be removed from the platform.”

That term is used to apply describe, um, Nazis and their behavior ?!?

Judge to SEC and Elon Musk: Put your ‘reasonableness pants on and work this out’

Tech Crunch

The title of this article alone could only exist in 2019.

Just Sleazy

I know, you’re likely going to tell me “welcome to the party”, about just how blatantly gross Facebook’s actions towards users and their data have been for a long, long time. And you’re right. I’ve largely been absent from FB, still have an account, since college, but the platform has never really resonated with me. Twitter, on the other hand, I check an unhealthy amount per day. Let’s chalk up the bad actions of FB that has come out, just in the last 7 days:

Now for most companies they would be in full PR mode. Interviews, opinion columns, talk shows, the spin machine out in force. For Facebook it seems more like just business as usual. The logic is most people using the service are unaware to the level that FB is targeting them to feed the monster advertisement and revenue machine, or they know and simply don’t care. There have been waves over the past year to #deletefacebook, and that might raise awareness, it might just be noise in the thundering hose of content and ads.

Here’s what I know. A lot of people like Instagram and What’s App, I mean a lot. Anecdotally, I haven’t seen people checking facebook or talking about it as much as the previously mentioned 2 apps. I do feel like something has to give sooner or later. Most like FB’s deceitful practices will quietly find their way into all their products like a cancer sooner or later. Maybe regulation and strict privacy rights for users will force change, or another service that offers to connect you to people will come along and spark more joy than facebook does. When that happens, you can properly thank facebook, and delete your account, like I did today.

Lawsuit: AT&amp;T’s DirecTV Now is a flop and AT&amp;T lied to investors about it

AT&T lied to investors in order to hide the failure of its DirecTV Now streaming TV service, a proposed class action alleges.
AT&T told investors that DirecTV Now was succeeding even as its subscriber base fell due to price increases and the discontinuance of promotional discounts, said the complaint filed Monday in US District Court for the Southern District of New York. The complaint accuses AT&T and executives including CEO Randall Stephenson of violating the US Securities Act by “knowingly or recklessly” making false statements to investors and failing to disclose problems that were affecting DirecTV Now sales.

ars Technica

Big corporations can totally monitor and self police their behavior, uh huh, sure. 🙄

Learning a bit of Rust


Type Option represents an optional value: every Option is either Some and contains a value, or None, and does not.

Oh. Some is part of Option types in Rust, like datatypes in Haskell. We either have Some(value) or we have None. Ok. Good to know.

Loss of your content

Myspace has apparently lost most or all of the music files uploaded by its users before 2015, and it told users that the data was corrupted beyond repair during a server migration. Myspace apparently admitted the problem to concerned users seven or eight months ago, but so few people noticed that there wasn’t any news coverage until the past 24 hours.

Myspace apparently lost 12 years’ worth of music, and almost no one noticed

Pretty good reason to continue to beat the drum about owning the content and context of publishing things onto other platforms. Consider this same scenario with all of your instagram images in 10 years? So much of our digital life is scattered across a number of closed platforms, when they’re gone, so is your content. I think services like WordPress and Micro.Blog are leading the way in making it easy for everyone to own and Stewart where their own content goes.

MS Slack ?

Pretty sure at this point most people have heard of Slack or used Slack. The chat app that has made huge inroads into enterprise and small communities alike. I used to have a Slack with friends that replaced or irc channel, now I have more than 1/2 a dozen across a variety of groups and work. It’s a lot of messaging. 🙄 Slack is currently poses for IPO, and valued around 7 billion, which brings up the point –

Is there any reason for Microsoft not to buy Slack for $20 billion? Seems like a perfect fit and at $20 billion could be a bargain.


I agree with Jay, Slack (right down to the new rgb color scheme from their new logo) would be a good fit for the new MS.

Hell. I’ve already got a dozen groups on my Surface Book. 😉

Spurred by Ron Miller’s piece Someone could scoop up Slack before it IPOs.

New Enterprise Policy

But the Reuters report describes the use of enterprise certificates to distribute pirated versions of popular iOS software like MinecraftSpotify, and Pokémon Go. For example, a free version of Minecraft (which is normally a premium app) is distributed by TutuApp using the method. Another pirate distributor, AppValley, offers a version of the Spotify app with the ads that support Spotify and the music artists stripped out completely.

Samuel Axon @ ArsTechnica

I’m going to make a bet that WWDC in June Apple will announce, or simply roll out a new policy and process for enterprise certs for the entire iOS platform. My second bet, it’s not going to be friendly, easy, or enjoyable to use. A reckoning is most certainly coming.

New Setup

There is something about a new setup. You get to start over, clean, void of distractions. The possibilities are endless. That is the part I really enjoy, like many I assume. I recently set up this publishing site, a backend to manage it, a service to backup and secure the data, and on and on. I also setup a physical desk in my house for the first time in 10 plus years. Getting space set up, the monitor just the way I like it. All of this was fun to do.

The opposite of a new setup is – consistency. Coming back to something again and again. Slowly chipping away at the progress until you’ve achieved something. This is more akin to getting in shape, writing that great american novel you’ve always talked about. There is a long arduous process involved. For a lot of use it is a constant state of self doubt lows, and small achievement highs.

It will come as no surprise that one of these is vastly more rewarding that the other.


“We are aware that a small number of users are having issues with their third-generation butterfly keyboard and for that we are sorry,” the company writes. “The vast majority of Mac notebook customers are having a positive experience with the new keyboard.”


I am so past the keyboards, after having struggles with a 2017 MacBook Pro myself. I day dream about a Mac Mini (now that they are refreshed) and an iPad Pro lifestyle in the future, but I am still very happy with the capabilities of my Surface Book going on more than a year now. The one thing I miss daily?

$ brew install

No title

I really do like RSS, so many of the things I enjoy and rely on everything are build on the back of this simple open protocol. 😍

Not a fan

Struggles administrating wordpress are real. Not what I want to be spending my time on.

Not Exactly Local News

Most of these politically motivated sites do not disclose who is paying for them, and in many cases, the content does not include bylines

GOP funds messaging sites that look remarkably like trusted local news

None of this article is surprising. The pollution of misinformation and echo chamber bias has been running ramped unchecked for years. I wish I knew a silver bullet resolution, but like everyone struggle with my own bias and opinions. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Open to practical suggestions.

Of Course They Did

In light of “meaningful regulation” from UK lawmakers Facebook continues to pat itself on the back for all of its “progress” they’ve made in the name of user privacy. 🙄

Facebook praised itself for recent changes it’s made, but the company said it’s willing to face tougher laws. Facebook’s statement continued:

We are open to meaningful regulation and support the committee’s recommendation for electoral law reform. But we’re not waiting. We have already made substantial changes so that every political ad on Facebook has to be authorized, state who is paying for it and then is stored in a searchable archive for seven years. No other channel for political advertising is as transparent and offers the tools that we do.

Facebook is a law-breaking “digital gangster,” UK government report says

Oh Brother

But it recently came out that a legislator in Montana was attempting to have the state officially renounce the findings of the scientific community. And, if the federal government decides to believe the scientists and do something about emissions, he wants the Treasure State to somehow sit those efforts out.

Montana legislator introduces bills to give his state its own science

I remember reading about the battles between science and the church back in the Middle Ages. And look at us, centuries later, politicians are still at odds with the power and truth that science brings when it’s not convenient to their agenda. 😡