Open Source Licenses and AWS

Lack of leadership in open source results in source-available licenses

Amazon’s behavior toward open source is self-interested and rational. Amazon is playing by the rules of what software licenses allow. But these behaviors and their undesirable results could be curbed if industry associations created standard open-source licenses that allowed authors of open-source software to express a simple concept:

“I do not want my open-source code run as a commercial service.”

It will be interesting to see how open source licensing evolves over the next couple years with the ever increasing grow of cloud services. 🤔

Organic Baby Food Delivery?

Little Spoon gets $7M for its organic baby food delivery service

subscription-based service delivers meals — a fixed $3 apiece — to customers’ doorsteps. To date, Little Spoon said it has delivered 1 million meals

I’m not sure what this says, good or bad about the current state of parenting ?

Piece By Piece

I often have thoughts about all the things I can learn or knock out as the weekend approaches. Won’t it be great to take time out to figure out X, or know how exactly to do Y? My plans are usually so beyond doable in a single weekend, even if I don’t have anything else planned. Things like ready that entire book cover to cover. These things are technically possible, but with even the slightest amount regular things to do, like laundry and the grocery store, these things are unrealistic. But won’t it be great? Yeah of course it would, but it’s definitely not practical.

I realize more and more, maybe it’s getting older, or having kids to steward, but the mind frame I try to put things in is less big push, and tons of little tiny pieces that I can chip away at. One small nibble at a time, that’s what is successful. I know that. It still doesn’t stop me from constantly setting up my weekend or time off to some level of disappointment when I don’t read that entire book, or complete that whole project start to finish. I guess there’s always next weekend.

Podcasts are coming

Podcasts as an industry is going to experience same defining change sooner rather than later.

Spotify begins testing curated podcast playlists

The bigger goal of these tests is to improve podcast discoverability, an issue that plagues the industry.

The podcast industry expected to create $1 billion in annual revenue by 2021

the industry generated an estimated $479.1 million in revenue in 2018 and is expected to produce more than $1 billion by 2021, according to a new report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC

😳 that’s quite a bit of growth !!!!!

Privacy Hot Topic

Tim Cook recently penned an op-ed in Time Magazine, You Deserve Privacy Online. Here’s How You Could Actually Get It.

“I and others are calling on the U.S. Congress to pass comprehensive federal privacy legislation—a landmark package of reforms that protect and empower the consumer. Last year, before a global body of privacy regulators, I laid out four principles that I believe should guide legislation:”

Tim Cook

Tim goes on to outline several key points that any legislation would include. Things like avoid collecting unnecessary, consumers have the right to know, and the right for consumers to access and delete their data that companies have.

Following up Tim’s op-ed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has announced a new bill American Data Dissemination (ADD) Act

“provides overdue transparency and accountability from the tech industry while ensuring that small businesses and startups are still able to innovate and compete in the digital marketplace.”

Marco Rubio

Here’s the catch, in the text of the bill as it currently stands is the phrase, “shall supersede” , which has wide sweeping implications. Jon Brodkin’s article at ARS Technica, Sen. Marco Rubio wants to ban states from protecting consumer privacy goes into the reaction from several groups, and sufficed to say, none of them are positive. Super seeding any state action in this area clearing isn’t going to stand. California for instance, has already passed privacy law in 2018 that was passed unanimously.

To say that things in the privacy data sector are heating up this year is an understatement, while federal and local governments historical move very slow, this battle will likely play out over the next several years. You can bet that it will be a hot issue in the run up to the 2020 election.

Read More

I talked about themes the other day. One I didn’t mention, but wanted to outline was, read more. I love to read, but I don’t ever make it a priority in my daily life. When I was younger traveling the world, before iPhone and Kindle’s, I would always have a couple paperback books with me. What I remember and still feel, is reading is a different kind of relaxing. It feels less vegging out, when watching a movie. Not better, just satisfying a different type of down time. Make no mistake, I won’t be missing G.O.T. Or West World, but more reading is in my future for sure, maybe I’ll start with some Recommendations

RSS is Always Dying

I came across RRS feed in the early 2000’s through great Indie apps on the Mac like Net News Wire and others. It was a great was to aggregate all the news for hundreds, and when things got really crazy more than a thousand sites into a single convenient location. You could sync all the read articles, star and favorite ones you wanted to keep around, and share via IRC or AIM the ones you thought your friends should see, or even email something to family member or co-worker. It was a deep well of knowledge, and easy to flip through a couple times a day and stay in the know. This same publish and subscribe model of RSS is the underpinning to podcasts, which makes it beyond the reach of a single company, but also makes discovery a bit of a challenge.

You could set your watch to the regular occurance to which someone will announce that RSS is dead, today it just happened to be MotherBoard with an article, The Rise and Demise of RSS . With quotes like –

The future once looked so bright for RSS. What happened?


In Author, Sinclair Target’s, defense the article is a well written history as it played out from the 90’s up til today. And I think is correct, that RSS isn’t consumer friendly or easy to understand. But I don’t think it needs to be. The gritty details of how SMS isn’t something consumers pour over, they just send their messages and have a certain level of expectations in regards to what will happen on the other end. RSS powers podcasts subscriptions, and regular people find, listen to, and are coming to the medium in big numbers than ever!

Point is RSS isn’t every exciting to most people. The question I’d pose is, what is exciting that you can do with a feature powered by RSS ?

Samsung Galaxy Fold pre-orders open tomorrow

There are early adopters, and then there are early adopters. Anyone who bites the bullet and picks up Samsung’s $1,980 and up Galaxy Fold falls into the former category. And then there are those who’ll be the first to Samsung’s site when the company opens up pre-orders on its inaugural foldable tomorrow.


The question is when will you actually see one in the wild?


With Apple and other companies out of runway on growing smart phone revenue, where will they turn? We can probably figure out a lot of possibles by looking at how this has played out in other industries over time. The PC went through this very recently, maybe to much so to be of any help. Have industries like auto or luxury good gone through market saturation? If so, what could we learn from it?

Self publish

The idea is to be in control of the content and customize it to be more reflective of my own thoughts and ideas. It was a faint pain to set up, but I thing in the end it will be well worth it.


A program that allows drug agents to obtain a pool of billions of call records from AT&T is “still active,” according to a watchdog report.

DEA says AT&T still provides access to billions of phone records

It’s all in the title, how is this seriously still happening? How many programs for getting private data from customers do these telecoms have? There seems to be more open programs being uncovered every day. Enough already, I am becoming numb to the constant revelation of programs like this.

Side project lives

It’s got it’s own domain, and rough outline of a theme. HTTPS of course. Ability to post from any device and kick off a build on new content from here, or site changes from there.

Now for the hard part. More content. But the idea was to make it silly easy to push out content. Right?

Still need to set up these:

  • Projects page
  • Products page
  • About
  • Footer
  • Social accounts

Spotify’s new library design emphasizes podcast discovery

The new design places bolded headings for “music” and “podcasts” on the app’s library page that offer a much quicker way for people to find episodes of podcasts they subscribe to or might be interested in. Spotify users currently have to sift through six categories at the top of their library page to find a dedicated podcast section. 

The Verge

I wonder if the average Spotify user knows what podcasts are right out of the gate. Are they more likely to explore them now that they are front and center? There is a lot to be said for having podcasts as a default, think Apple’s podcast player on iOS, but it is certainly welcomed to have podcasts as a first class citizen on a popular platform like Spotify.

Stand Out

Tesla released version 9.0 of its software, which featured a number of updates, including a new UI on the center display and the ability to use the forward-facing camera. The dash cam feature is available only in Tesla vehicles built after August 2017.


I find it more and more unbelievable that other automakers haven’t built a platform to continually update a vehicles software and add new features. We expect it from our $1,000 mobile devices, why don’t we have the same expectations for our car or truck that is 10-100 times that expensive?

Story with legs

Previously I’d given my thoughts on a Propublic article on a bill currently making it’s way through the Senate to ban the IRS from making a free online tool for filing. Turns out if you dig a little deeper you’ll find more of the good work from Propublic showing Intuit actively burying their free version making it as difficult to nearly impossible for regular people to find it.

To effectively bury its free filing service, TurboTax included a snippet of code in the page’s robots.txt file instructing search engines not to index it. 

Instead of pointing users toward its free file tool, TurboTax funnels the vast majority of users toward its paid and premium services, whether they qualify for free filing or not.

TurboTax and H&R Block hide their free tax filing tools from Google on purpose

Wow. I mean just wow. I really struggle to see how anyone can argue that this is in the best interest of the general public.

Talk Time

Giving my first conference talk today at Github headquarters for Reactathon. It’s gonna be a blast, tune in live. And follow along at home if you’d like, slides. A huge thanks to my wife and family for all their support and feedback, it really does take a village. ☺️

Telegram gets a boast

Messaging platform Telegram claims to have had a surge in signups during a period of downtime for Facebook’s rival messaging services.

Telegram Get 3M new signups during FB’s outage

I have a theory that fb could easily be displaced or replaced by something else, that doesn’t necessarily have to be better, just available and easily accessible. It’s clear that privacy isn’t the catalyst to get people to migrate. So that lends the question, what will get people to move to a more secure, private focused platform?

The How?

In the year of content I’ve been thinking a lot about how blogs and self publishing have made a comeback in some areas from those that want to take back control of their content. Moves away from Medium for self hosting, moves away from twitter for, and of course the #deletefacebook trends. So how to get the mainstream to move from these centralized, locked in platforms to more open friendly places? I have no idea really, so I’ll list something out more as food for thought.

  1. Easy to engage
  2. Connection with most of the people they know
  3. Easy to share images and re-share
  4. Marketplace, options, the idea of not being locked in. The idea of take your content / timeline with you
  5. RSS is an implementation detail, not a feature.
  6. People understand the idea of subscribe and share.
  7. Public vs Private sharing. The ability to share with select people.
  8. Clean, ad free interface. The tracking and aggregation is needs to curtailed. So what is the business model? Free / Pro / Business tiers ? I dont know. :-/
  9. Cross models Reddit, wordpress, ?

So what would a open platform using open internet standards look like ?

The web the world needs can be ours again, if we want it

By creating a Firefox account you can increase convenience while decreasing your exposure to some harmful parts of the web. An account unlocks the full potential of tools like Lockwise, which securely manages passwords, and Monitor, a service that notifies you when your email has been part of a known data breach.

We’re offering privacy protections by default as you navigate the web because the business model of the web is broken, with more and more intrusive personal surveillance becoming the norm. While we hope that people’s digital rights and freedoms will ultimately be guaranteed, we’re here to help in the interim.

Chris Beard, CEO of Mozilla

I like that Mozilla has put in effort to diverse their offerings and become less dependent on the money from Google for default search. The idea of privacy as a product is red hot right now, while most feel opportunistic I would say this is very much inline with what Mozilla has always strived for.


A yearly theme is a great way to keep a general focus for the long run. This is different then goals or actions. This is more like a guiding North Star. I picked up the idea from Rely FM’s Cortex which just had their yearly theme episode.

My theme this year is gonna be Creating Content. I’ll go into more detail as we progress, but really less consuming content and more creating, whatever form that happens to take.

There’s An App For That?

“Given the escalating crime and lack of public safety resources, Baltimore was a great place to try something new,” Frame said of the new market. “Citizen can now help Baltimore residents in the way it has helped New York and San Francisco, with real-time notifications that let a user escape a burning building or rescue a four-year old from an abductor. Citizen, with its real-time information, may be just what Baltimore needs.”

Taylor Hatmaker @ TechCrunch

Um, yeah. The Article goes on to compare the app to popular neighborhood sharing Nextdoor, which if you’ve ever checked out is a dumpster of bias and negative gossip.

Time Tracking

There is always a time during the week when I think, “what have I been up to this week?” What do I have to show for being on the computer at night, checking my phone 139 times a day? What do I get out of this? In the spirit of ‘More Content’, I am giving time tracking a shot. So were all on the same page, here’s a short description of time tracking.

Historically, time-tracking has been being used as the simplest way to measure work and calculate payments. In today’s world, it is often used as a source of essential data on how work is performed, what can be improved, and what trends of the work process require closer attention. Advanced time trackertools are used for collection and analysis of this vital information.


For my goals, I am more concerned with what trends of work have been done. I haven’t set any goals yet, I won’t even know where to start, but i figure the information gathering stage is good enough. Along with that I’ve forced myself to Pomodoro Technique every activity I do for side work. I’ve got my Toggle Time running now while I write this. And we’ll see what the graph shows in a week, and then a week after that.

For course there are plenty of apps and tools to help with all this tracking. Mac Stories has a great run down of Siri Shortcuts that will run a lot of the manual process of time tracking, removing all the excuses I have come up with to avoid it. And the really, I just want to be more productive with the time I have, and not commit more time than I already am to content. We’ll see ..

U.S. Customs and Border Protection says photos of travelers were taken in a data breach

Washington Post

CBP said copies of “license plate images and traveler images collected by CBP” had been transferred to the subcontractor’s company network, violating the agency’s security and privacy rules. The subcontractor’s network was then attacked and breached. No CBP systems were compromised, the agency said.

Trusted with a back door because they need it to keep us safe?

Updating to Tailwinds 2.0

Not a lot of fun when you’re doing Tailwinds, which is awesome, in Emotion, also awesome, but the macro has been updated.

So. After some struggles I got it working. This really had nothing to do with any of the above libraries and more my own naïveté with them.

And duplicates to boot. 😩 🤞

Ok. All better there too. 😴

What to expect from tomorrow’s antitrust hearing featuring big tech

Facebook agrees to some kind of privacy law, which for some reason is very hard for new entrants to adhere to. Amazon may try and instantiate itself as basically the national e-commerce monopolist, kind of like a Bell-regulated monopoly.

Jonathan Shieber for Tech Crunch

When I hear big tech companies say, “we’d love government regulation” what I hear is something similar to what Jonathan points out. That monopolist regulation that makes it even more difficult for new or existing companies to compete, further entrenching these big companies.

the focus should be less on the global ambitions of these technology companies and more on the practices they’ve enacted to stifle competition.

We’ll see if congress can keep their eye on the ball, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.